Preliminary testing results of an equipment for Georadiolocation model studies

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C. Tskhvediashvili


Georadiolocation is a non-invasive geophysical approach, which is underground, near subsurface (<50 m) is the electric heterogeneity study ([1], [3]). This is achieved at high and superhigh frequency (38MHz-2GHz) electromagnetic field generating discrete impulses (Zond 12e), radiation and reflected impulse registration (Prizm 2.5, [2], [4]). Georadiolocation found wide application in archeology, in geotechnics, road construction, glaciologyand in many other areas. As a rule, the dimensions and characteristics are unknown while working in field conditions and they are investigated according to their radio-type. The paper discusses radio-types of different, pre-selected set of objects and the straightforward task. Known objects are carefully studied and radio-type analysis allows us to discuss the size and characteristics of the object.

Published: Apr 6, 2016

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How to Cite
Tskhvediashvili, C. (2016). Preliminary testing results of an equipment for Georadiolocation model studies. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 18(18). Retrieved from


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